I've had a delay in composing these blogs, for a few reasons, one being that I didn't know what direction I was going with this, the other being that I have to nitpick through my bigger issues and break it down into daily ideas, and the other reason was that a lot went on this week which to me centered around my control and lack thereof. My partner is participating in a group and it didn't go as planned, the group never existed and it seems they are just starting this idea, so the agency that is providing drug and alcohol counseling just didn't have their stuff together which ended up with me getting overly invested in making phone calls for next week. To make sure it happens. The good news is my partner has been sober this whole time and is looking forward to the group instead of feeling that I forced it on him. There has been a release of a lot of negativity in the household and that is pretty good for my peace of mind. The idea to do this daily, is basically getting to be a thing I should do, but also it would probably make for some boring and mundane thoughts and feelings that I don't usually think of broadcasting. Also with the direction of my writings, I don't know enough about Desteni to say what I am up to and if I am following any real guidelines. Even now I am pretty doubtful that I grasp what I am doing here.
Instead of asking self-forgiveness today and I am going to say I am grateful for the peace we have reached in my household and that I am determined to know more about what I am doing with this, what direction I should go, what I should read up on.
Please let me know because I am pretty confused right now and just am feeling intellectually dull about putting personal thoughts and feelings on paper.
Edit - Yes, I have navigated myself into the DIP Lite course.
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